Refill, Not Landfill

The heated argument of the day is whether to drink tap water from reusable bottles or "packaged" water from commercial sources. We believe the answer is nuanced and actually falls somewhere in between. This blog is dedicated to the discussion of our health as it relates to drinking water, and the quality issues associated with our water sources.

Friday, August 28, 2009

What makes Up The Secret Sauce?

Until the passage of a recent bill, natural gas drilling companies were exempt from revealing the list of chemicals used in the extraction process known as hydraulic fracturing.

Although the industry steadfastly maintains the process has technological safeguards prohibiting the contamination of nearby groundwater resources, it was only a matter of time before the logic of these claims came into question.

Following the details of the article it is hard to conclude the changes to the quality of well water in this rural area of Wyoming could be anything but a cause and effect consequence of drilling.
clipped from

PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - U.S. government scientists have for the first time found chemical contaminants in drinking water wells near natural gas drilling operations, fueling concern that a gas-extraction technique is endangering the health of people who live close to drilling rigs.

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