Refill, Not Landfill

The heated argument of the day is whether to drink tap water from reusable bottles or "packaged" water from commercial sources. We believe the answer is nuanced and actually falls somewhere in between. This blog is dedicated to the discussion of our health as it relates to drinking water, and the quality issues associated with our water sources.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Facts About Throw-Away Plastic Water Bottles Continue To Pile Up

The bulk of the article cited below surrounds the controversy of single-serve plastic drinking water packaging.

Major bottlers try to re frame the issue, but the bottom line is still the same; it is up to consumers to change their habits with respect to all one-use throw-away plastic if we hope to stop choking the environment in the stuff.
clipped from

"More than 90 percent of the environmental impacts from a plastic bottle happen before the consumer opens it,'' said Dr. Allen Hershkowitz, a senior scientist at the Natural Resources Defense Council. Oil for plastic, oil for shipping, oil for refrigeration -- and in the end, most of the effort goes to landfills.

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1 comment:

  1. I would not, as it has not been 100% completely treated through sewage waste.

    -Land Source Container Service, Inc.
    Container Rental NYC
